Collections on HERstory

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term* : Right Truncation. The wildcard search: docu* would match docu, document, documents, documentary

*term : Left Truncation. The wildcard search: *man would match woman, human, man

*term* : A phrase is a group of words surrounded by double quotes such as *Gender Equality*

A&&B : Requires both terms on either side of the Boolean operator to be present for a match

color !blue : Requires that the following term not be present

 Search Result : 1 items found
  • Gender dimension  Achievements of women in history
  • Country/Region  Australia
  • Gender dimension  Stories from women's perspective
Seven Little Australians Manuscript by Ethel Turner
Seven Little Australians Manuscript by Ethel Turner
Ethel Turner (1870 – 1958) was an English-born Australian novelist and children's literature writer. Her best known work is her first novel, Seven Little Australians. The original 1893 manuscript is the tangible embodiment of Turner’s creative process. The novel Seven Little Australians was first published in 1894 and has been in print longer…
term* : Right Truncation. The wildcard search: docu* would match docu, document, documents, documentary

*term : Left Truncation. The wildcard search: *man would match woman, human, man

*term* : A phrase is a group of words surrounded by double quotes such as *Gender Equality*

A&&B : Requires both terms on either side of the Boolean operator to be present for a match

color !blue : Requires that the following term not be present

 Search Result : 1 items found
  • Gender dimension  Achievements of women in history
  • Country/Region  Australia
  • Gender dimension  Stories from women's perspective
Seven Little Australians Manuscript by Ethel Turner
Seven Little Australians Manuscript by Ethel Turner
Ethel Turner (1870 – 1958) was an English-born Australian novelist and children's literature writer. Her best known work is her first novel, Seven Little Australians. The original 1893 manuscript is the tangible embodiment of Turner’s creative…