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term* : Right Truncation. The wildcard search: docu* would match docu, document, documents, documentary

*term : Left Truncation. The wildcard search: *man would match woman, human, man

*term* : A phrase is a group of words surrounded by double quotes such as *Gender Equality*

A&&B : Requires both terms on either side of the Boolean operator to be present for a match

color !blue : Requires that the following term not be present

 Search Result : 1 items found
  • Gender dimension  Records on gender equality issues
  • Country/Region  New Zealand
1893 Women's Suffrage Petition 
1893 Women's Suffrage Petition 
The 1893 Women's Suffrage Petition – Te Petihana Whakamana Pōti Wahine, was signed by close to a quarter of the New Zealand female adult population. It led to legislation that resulted in New Zealand becoming the first self-governing nation where women gained the same right as men to vote in general elections. The petition inscribed on the New…
term* : Right Truncation. The wildcard search: docu* would match docu, document, documents, documentary

*term : Left Truncation. The wildcard search: *man would match woman, human, man

*term* : A phrase is a group of words surrounded by double quotes such as *Gender Equality*

A&&B : Requires both terms on either side of the Boolean operator to be present for a match

color !blue : Requires that the following term not be present

 Search Result : 1 items found
  • Gender dimension  Records on gender equality issues
  • Country/Region  New Zealand
1893 Women's Suffrage Petition 
1893 Women's Suffrage Petition 
The 1893 Women's Suffrage Petition – Te Petihana Whakamana Pōti Wahine, was signed by close to a quarter of the New Zealand female adult population. It led to legislation that resulted in New Zealand becoming the first self-governing nation where…